The Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance became the head of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization.
Mohammad Ali Dehghan Dehnavi, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, became the head of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization.
Mohammad Ali Dehnavi replaced Hassan Ghalibaf Asl in today’s meeting of the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange.
Dehnavi, who holds a doctorate in economics from Tarbiat Modares University, was previously a member of the board of directors of the Housing Bank and now serves as Deputy Minister of Economy in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance.
Dehnavi is also a member of the faculty of the Department of Finance and Banking at Allameh Tabatabai University and the Vice Chancellor for Education of the Higher Institute of Banking Education in Iran.
Hassan Qalibaf Asl, who had accepted the post of head of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization in a difficult situation of liberalizing equity and selling state-owned funds (ETFs), submitted his resignation to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance a week ago due to non-fulfillment of the announced conditions. Was.